

What better way to start a first post than with a fun program that I enjoy using. I had started showing my kids the basics of using sculptris the other day. Your probably asking "what is sculptris?". And I'm like "the best free sculpting app out there!". I've been doing 3d for a good while now. And for the past few years software programs cost an arm and a leg just about (and still does). But there are lots of resources out on the web now. And the good thing about it is that they are 100% free! And this is one of those awesome free programs.

You can find the details on this link -

This is a sculpt I did in a couple of hours or so to show my kids how easy it is to sculpt in Sculptris. And to add to that I also textured the model in the same program. Hopefully if this blog thing goes as well as I hope it does. I really would like this blog to grow into a resource for people to use and hopefully learn from. For now I just want to show you the door. Download the program and play with it and you'll see that it's pretty user friendly and the learning curve isn't too bad. Yes if your new to 3d there are some things that you'll need to learn along the way. But for now have fun and enjoy creating something on your computer.

