Garlic And Some Dirt

So after a while I get some garlic that starts to want to do its natural thing and grow (see fig.01). We had a lot of garlic left over from the store we couldn't eat in time. It slowly started to show green stems shooting out from the top. So naturally I would go and toss these garlic bulbs that have taken a life of their own. But not this time. 


I've grown lots of things in my garden. Everything from Okra to tomatoes. But out of all the things I've grown I've never put garlic in the dirt. So guess what I did with the garlic? Yep.. Stuck it in the dirt! I gave it a good amount of water and kept an eye on it. So about a good week later the stems grew really fast! (see fig.02) I never really thought garlic would shoot up so fast after getting some good dirt and water. So now I have a new plant project to keep an eye on. Keep in mind that I started these little plants in February. Hopefully this works out and I can get an unlimited supply of garlic for the future. 

