Why take photos

Imagine a world without photographs. Pictures worth a thousand words would cease to exist. We often at times forget how lucky we are to live in this day and age. Fortunate that we are able to reach into our pockets and grab a smartphone to capture a moment. A moment frozen in time. A moment forever held in its place. This process of recording light almost sounds like magic.

Why is it important to encourage photography in others?

  • We can document history as it happens.
  • A picture is a memory frozen in time.
  • Who knows you could make money in the long run!
  • It's fun!

Excuses for not wanting to take photos?

Not enough memory!
Well they now make cloud back ups. And just incase you don't know of one. Google photo has unlimited storage space with standard quality set. Another good one is Flickr. Doesn't have unlimited space but gets you around a Terabyte in space to upload photos.

I'm just not good at taking photos!
Practice makes perfect. Out of the 100's of photos I take. I usually get only 2 good shots I'm really happy with.

Why should I?
Now there is a good question. Why should I? And my way of thinking is why not? To be honest time goes by so fast. And if only someone would have told me. Capture that moment.. Capture it and hold on to it! Those pictures will trigger you memory as you get older. Because with more responsibility as we get older the brain gets a little fuzzy. Think of these photos as a back up hard drive for your memories. And one day when you get older you will pull out these photos and remember.

Now some of you are saying " why not just record video if you want to remember the moment so well?" Do that too! Something about a photo freezes that moment in time. Listen to the sound that's in your head with a picture. And to tell the truth ,usually, who ever is holding  a video camera can never keep the video steady. So at least with a photo you wont get dizzy in the end.

So again. Encourage other to take pictures. To capture that moment in time. Because one day you will want to look back and remember who we were and where we have been in that photo.
