Recommended Book - T2 Infiltrator By S.M. Stirling

Lately I've been going back on books I've had in my library and rereading them again. This book T2 Infiltrator by S.M. Stirling I'd say I've had the paperback for about 15 years. And yeah in about 15 years you forget what a book is about. All I remember is that it was bad ass and everything I had wanted in a Terminator movie. I feel that after all the other Terminator movies this book wasn't going to happen as a movie. But hey! Don't let that stop you from reading this book! If your a Terminator fan and really loved Terminator 1 and 2 you can't go wrong with this book! 

So let me start the tone for you on this book just to give you a taste of what you will get in this book. It pretty much starts right after T2 and no it doesn't leave out any characters. What do I mean by that? Well.. What happened to Miles Dyson's family? Yeah. Did they go around the rest of their lives haunted by that night the Terminator ripped his skin off his arm? Well this book doesn't leave anything out. Plus it gives a really good explanation on a few things that really help fill the story out even better. This book doesn't miss a beat. It keeps you reading wanting to get to the next chapter. I really wish I didn't wait 15 years to read this book again. So with technology now days I also purchased the Kindle version. Just so I can have the book at hand on my phone. You will not be sorry picking this book up. So next time you make it out to half price books or are online looking for your next read, keep this book in mind!
